Our Thoughts Create Our Reality – Part 3

We began this series with the notion that ‘our thoughts create our reality’. Then, recognizing that our subconscious mind has its own ‘thoughts’, called beliefs, and given that our subconscious mind was more powerful than our conscious mind, we realize that these beliefs could sabotage any conscious intention, and that these beliefs were the generator of the reality we experienced.

Then the title notion could be altered. Instead of ‘our thoughts create our reality’, we can say ‘our thoughts intend our reality and our beliefs create it’.

How do we align our thoughts with our beliefs, so that both are on the same page? The challenge to this objective is that we are unaware of many of our beliefs which would sabotage our intentional thoughts. The solution which seems to work best is to create new beliefs which are powerful and desirable, and that they would dominate any beliefs which are limiting and self-sabotaging. We don’t eliminate beliefs that are self-sabotaging, we simply add the ones we want.

There are three tactics we can use to create beliefs, and then once they are created, to strengthen and empower them. They are simply – 1) the focussed intent and the selective choice of words and language we use (self-talk and affirmations), 2) pictures or images we see or create through imagination (imagery and visualization) and 3) the emotions we attach to those words and images.

It’s worthwhile noting at this point that these tactics have been well honed in the sports arena by many athletes.

Let’s examine each of these.

Words (Self-talk and Affirmations)

What is meant by Words is this: the words you speak to others or to yourself; the words you think – those that make up your thoughts; and the words you write. These words – whether spoken, written or thought – are being heard and recorded by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind perceives these as communications from your conscious mind. So the first step to creating a belief to anchor in your subconscious is to write down what you desire. We can call this an affirmation, as they affirm (or confirm and uphold) your beliefs.

For example, ‘I am healthy and fit, and my body is constantly healing itself perfectly and effectively.’  Once this is written down, you should verbalize this statement out loud. If you are feeling a little out of sorts – never say I am not feeling well or I am sick. Your subconscious mind responds to your thoughts or statements so always use the statement you have written. ‘I am healthy and fit, and my body is constantly healing itself perfectly and effectively.’ (Dr. Bruce Lipton has conducted studies on mind/body health and their connection as noted in Part 1 of this series.)

Verbalizing your affirmation is often called self-talk, especially by athletes who speak to themselves words or statements that instill confidence, motivation or focus.

You’ve now written down your affirmation, you’ve verbalized it often, and now it becomes part of your thoughts. Don’t waiver in your mind’s thinking from what you say and write. What you write, what you say and what you think should be consistent.

Write down all the objectives you desire and that you want to become part of your beliefs – those that deal with career and business, with your personal relationships, or any and all of your aspirations. Repetition is key so review your written affirmations and read them out loud – daily. I suggest first thing in the morning and before you go to bed a night.

Some tips for writing your beliefs:

  1. Be descriptive with precise detail of your desired goal.
  2. Use words which evoke emotion.
  3. Use the present tense.
  4. Be positive. Instead of “I am not anxious” use “ I am poised and confident.”

Pictures (imagery and visualization)

The images you look at and the images you form in your mind are the Pictures tactic for creating your beliefs – and strengthening them. Your subconscious mind perceives an image as a command and whether you look at an image on a computer screen or form one in your mind’s eye, they have that same effect on the subconscious mind.

Take your written affirmations and visualize them in your mind’s eye as you are saying them, reading them or thinking them. Visualization is a powerful tool for it reinforces in your subconscious mind your desire.

The most effective way to use visualization is to first get comfortable, either sitting in a chair or cross-legged on the floor. Rest your hands in your lap and close your eyes, separate your jaw so that it is not clenched, and rest your tongue on the bottom of your mouth. Quiet your mind and then visualize your affirmation – for our example above, picture your body in perfect health. See your body radiating vitality and balance and optimum health. See the body that you want.

Some tips to help you with your visualization – keep you breathing relaxed and rhythmic, inhale and exhale for the same duration of time. The greater the focus – that is the clarity and detail of your visualization, the more effective it will be. Be consistent with your image – so that your subconscious mind is getting the same message and your belief is gaining strength.


The catalyst and power source for creating and reinforcing beliefs are your Emotions. In conjunction with using your Words and Pictures, you add your emotions.

Feel the emotion, such as joy, happiness or elation engulfing yourself from achieving your desired outcome. Positive and negative emotions both have power. An undesired experience combined with fear or anger or distress is just as powerful.

When you are visualizing your new belief, infuse it with the joy you will experience when you achieve it.


You need to anchor your belief and give it power. Repetition achieves this end so make reciting your affirmations and visualizing them a daily practice. Remember to always use your emotions when doing so.

You could also make use of general affirmations to condition the space for what you will experience on any given day.

One of the earliest uses of affirmations was by French psychologist Dr. Emile Coué (1857-1926) who created the saying “Day by day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” He advised his patients to say this as often as 20 times a day but especially at the beginning and the end of the day. Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway human transporter, begins his day with the statement “Today I am going to make the world a better place.”

I’ll end this post with an affirmation I use every day – “Ever greater clarity of mind and peace in my heart”.

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